Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Girls - Lora

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AbebaAfricanFlowerPopularity of Abeba
AmarantaSpanishFlowerPopularity of Amaranta
AzaleaHebrewFlowerPopularity of Azalea
AzeliaHebrewFlowerPopularity of Azelia
AzelieHebrewFlowerPopularity of Azelie
AzharArabicFlowerPopularity of Azhar
AzharaArabicFlowerPopularity of Azhara
AzielHebrewFlowerPopularity of Aziel
BlathnaidIrishFlowerPopularity of Blathnaid
DaphneGreekThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Daphne
DaphnisGreekThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Daphnis
ErithHebrewFlowerPopularity of Erith
ErithaHebrewFlowerPopularity of Eritha
EvantheGreekFlowerPopularity of Evanthe
FiorenzaItalianFlowerPopularity of Fiorenza
FleurFrenchFlowerPopularity of Fleur
FloressaFrenchFlowerPopularity of Floressa
FlorettaFrenchFlowerPopularity of Floretta
FloriFrenchFlowerPopularity of Flori
FloriaFrenchFlowerPopularity of Floria
FlorianaFrenchFlowerPopularity of Floriana
FloridaFrenchFlowerPopularity of Florida
FlorindaFrenchFlowerPopularity of Florinda
FloritaSpanishFlowerPopularity of Florita
FlorrieFrenchFlowerPopularity of Florrie
GardeniaEnglishFlowerPopularity of Gardenia
GelseyPersianFlowerPopularity of Gelsey
GelsiPersianFlowerPopularity of Gelsi
GelsyPersianFlowerPopularity of Gelsy
GoldaGreekFlowerPopularity of Golda
GoldieGreekFlowerPopularity of Goldie
IrisHebrewFlowerPopularity of Iris
JuhiIndianFlowerPopularity of Juhi
KalanitHebrewFlowerPopularity of Kalanit
KusumaIndianFlowerPopularity of Kusuma
LauraEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laura
LauraLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Laura
LauraineEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lauraine
LauralEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laural
LauraleeEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lauralee
LauralynEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lauralyn
LauranaSpanishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laurana
LauranneLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Lauranne
LaureLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Laure
LaureenEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laureen
LaureenLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Laureen
LaurelEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laurel
LaurelLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Laurel
LaurelleEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laurelle
LaurenEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lauren
LaurenLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Lauren
LaurenaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laurena
LaurenaLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Laurena
LaureneEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laurene
LaurettaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lauretta
LaurettaLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Lauretta
LauretteFrenchThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laurette
LauretteLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Laurette
LaurieEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laurie
LaurieLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Laurie
LaurielEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lauriel
LaurienLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Laurien
LaurietteLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Lauriette
LaurinLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Laurin
LaurindaSpanishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laurinda
LaurindaLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Laurinda
LauritaSpanishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laurita
LaurynLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Lauryn
LilLatinFlowerPopularity of Lil
LiliLatinFlowerPopularity of Lili
LiliaLatinFlowerPopularity of Lilia
LilianLatinFlowerPopularity of Lilian
LilianaLatinFlowerPopularity of Liliana
LilianneLatinFlowerPopularity of Lilianne
LiliasLatinFlowerPopularity of Lilias
LillyLatinFlowerPopularity of Lilly
LilyLatinFlowerPopularity of Lily
Lily AnnLatinFlowerPopularity of Lily Ann
LioraEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Liora
LisLatinFlowerPopularity of Lis
LorLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Lor
LorahGermanThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorah
LorannaGermanThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Loranna
LoreSpanishFlowerPopularity of Lore
LoreenEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Loreen
LoreeneEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Loreene
LorenEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Loren
LorenaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorena
LoreneEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorene
LoreneLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Lorene
LoreniaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorenia
LorennaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorenna
LorenzaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorenza
LorenzaLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Lorenza
LoretaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Loreta
LorettaAnglo-SaxonSmall sage onePopularity of Loretta
LorettaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Loretta
LorettaLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Loretta
LoretteEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorette
LoretteLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Lorette
LoriEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lori
LoriLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Lori
LoriaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Loria
LorianEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorian
LorianaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Loriana
LoriannEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Loriann
LorianneEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorianne
LorielEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Loriel
LorileeEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorilee
LorilynnEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorilynn
LorinLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Lorin
LorinaLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Lorina
LorindaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorinda
LorisEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Loris
LoritaGermanThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorita
LoritaLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Lorita
LornaLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Lorna
LorrinaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorrina
LorryLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Lorry
LorynLatinLaurel leaves, Honour, Fame, SpiritPopularity of Loryn
MagnoliaFrenchFlowerPopularity of Magnolia
MaiolaineFrenchFlowerPopularity of Maiolaine
MariGreekFlowerPopularity of Mari
MarigoldGreekFlowerPopularity of Marigold
MarjolainaFrenchFlowerPopularity of Marjolaina
NawarArabicFlowerPopularity of Nawar
NeridaAustralian AboriginalFlowerPopularity of Nerida
NeridahAustralian AboriginalFlowerPopularity of Neridah
ObaxAfricanFlowerPopularity of Obax
PansyFrenchFlowerPopularity of Pansy
PetuniaLatinFlowerPopularity of Petunia
PhoolanIndianFlowerPopularity of Phoolan
PoppyEnglishFlowerPopularity of Poppy
TitiAfricanFlowerPopularity of Titi
ZaharaAfricanFlowerPopularity of Zahara
ZahraAfricanFlowerPopularity of Zahra

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