Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Girls - Daphne

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AndrasteCelticVictoryPopularity of Andraste
BoadiceaAnglo-SaxonVictoryPopularity of Boadicea
BodicceaAnglo-SaxonVictoryPopularity of Bodiccea
BodiceaAnglo-SaxonVictoryPopularity of Bodicea
BodiciaAnglo-SaxonVictoryPopularity of Bodicia
BoudiceaAnglo-SaxonVictoryPopularity of Boudicea
DaphnaHebrewVictoryPopularity of Daphna
DaphnahHebrewVictoryPopularity of Daphnah
DaphnisGreekThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Daphnis
GaraitzSpanishVictoryPopularity of Garaitz
JayaIndianVictoryPopularity of Jaya
LauraEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laura
LauraineEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lauraine
LauralEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laural
LauraleeEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lauralee
LauralynEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lauralyn
LauranaSpanishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laurana
LaureenEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laureen
LaurelEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laurel
LaurelleEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laurelle
LaurenEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lauren
LaurenaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laurena
LaureneEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laurene
LaurettaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lauretta
LauretteFrenchThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laurette
LaurieEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laurie
LaurielEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lauriel
LaurindaSpanishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laurinda
LauritaSpanishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Laurita
LioraEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Liora
LoraEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lora
LorahGermanThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorah
LorannaGermanThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Loranna
LoreenEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Loreen
LoreeneEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Loreene
LorenEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Loren
LorenaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorena
LoreneEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorene
LoreniaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorenia
LorennaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorenna
LorenzaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorenza
LoretaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Loreta
LorettaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Loretta
LoretteEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorette
LoriEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lori
LoriaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Loria
LorianEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorian
LorianaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Loriana
LoriannEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Loriann
LorianneEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorianne
LorielEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Loriel
LorileeEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorilee
LorilynnEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorilynn
LorindaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorinda
LorisEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Loris
LoritaGermanThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorita
LorrinaEnglishThe laurel tree, Sweet bay tree, Honor, VictoryPopularity of Lorrina
NikeGreekVictoryPopularity of Nike
ToreyLatinVictoryPopularity of Torey
ToriLatinVictoryPopularity of Tori
ToriaLatinVictoryPopularity of Toria
TorriLatinVictoryPopularity of Torri
VicLatinVictoryPopularity of Vic
VickiLatinVictoryPopularity of Vicki
VickieLatinVictoryPopularity of Vickie
VickyLatinVictoryPopularity of Vicky
VictoireLatinVictoryPopularity of Victoire
VictoriaLatinVictoryPopularity of Victoria
VictorienneLatinVictoryPopularity of Victorienne
VictorinaFrenchVictoryPopularity of Victorina
VictorineFrenchVictoryPopularity of Victorine
VictoryLatinVictoryPopularity of Victory
ViktoriaLatinVictoryPopularity of Viktoria
VitoriaLatinVictoryPopularity of Vitoria
ZafirahArabicVictoryPopularity of Zafirah

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