Baby Names with Similar Meanings

Girls - Avaset

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AiyaHebrewBirdPopularity of Aiya
AsfourehArabicBirdPopularity of Asfoureh
AvaGermanBirdPopularity of Ava
AyaHebrewBirdPopularity of Aya
CholenaNative AmericanBirdPopularity of Cholena
DayaHebrewBirdPopularity of Daya
EfrosiniHebrewBirdPopularity of Efrosini
FaigaGermanBirdPopularity of Faiga
LarkinEnglishBirdPopularity of Larkin
LinetteAnglo-SaxonBirdPopularity of Linette
LirkinEnglishBirdPopularity of Lirkin
LynetAnglo-SaxonBirdPopularity of Lynet
LynetteAnglo-SaxonBirdPopularity of Lynette
NaamitHebrewBirdPopularity of Naamit
SipporaHebrewBirdPopularity of Sippora
SisikaNative AmericanBirdPopularity of Sisika
SparrowEnglishBirdPopularity of Sparrow
ToriJapaneseBirdPopularity of Tori
TzippaHebrewBirdPopularity of Tzippa
TzzipporahHebrewBirdPopularity of Tzzipporah

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