Teach your child to swim

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The E-Book, "Teach Your Child to Swim!" is a proven, successful guide for parents who want their child to learn to swim. It includes easy, step by step instructions and original, fun water games - information you won't find anywhere else! Written by DeeAnn Wood, swimming Instructor, swim school owner and parent. The following is an excerpt from the book.

Breath Control

  1. In water chest deep on the child, explain that she is going to learn how to put her face in the water without getting water up her nose. The way we do this is very simple! We hum! Ask your child to hum with you above water first. Demonstrate how to put your nose in the water while humming.
  2. Do it together while holding both of her hands. This will help her feel secure and it will keep her from reaching up to plug her nose. Tell her to listen to herself hum. If she can hear herself humming, then she will never get water up her nose.
  3. Repeat humming by lowering the head gradually into the water. Once she can put her nose in, work on putting eyes in the water (goggles are very helpful) and finally the entire head. Play games to encourage breath control (See games on pg.10 of Teach Your Child to Swim).

Floating For Young Children

  1. This is a secure feeling hold for young or reluctant children, generally infant - 4 years old. Place your shoulders under the water. Lay the back of your child's head on your shoulder. If he is old enough, tell him to put his arms out like an airplane.
  2. This hold is for more confident or older children. Hold the back of your child's head with one hand and place your other hand under her back. Stand behind her head and encourage her to look up at you. This will keep her chin up, head back and ears in the water. Encourage her to relax her stomach muscles or even arch her back a little. I call this "pointing your tummy to the sky."
  3. As your child becomes comfortable, you can move the hand that is supporting her back and just support her head. If your child is floating well with head support, ask her if you can take your hand away for a few seconds. Gradually increase the number of seconds she is un-supported. Be close by and ready to assist her if she raises her head and begins to sink.

To preview and download this book, visit... www.TeachYourChildToSwim.com

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