Seven tips to taking great baby photos

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Getting great pictures of your baby is sometimes easier said then done. I have put together 7 tips & tricks for you to try.

Step 1: Get to know your camera.

Your camera has many different setting that can alter the way your pictures look. Read your manual and familiarize yourself with the many functions your camera has. Don't be afraid to take your camera off the automatic mode. Simply learning the different features your camera has and experimenting with it can give you a whole new look.

Step 2: Get down on your baby's level.

When you are at the eyelevel of your baby it will help keep your baby looking natural. If you are taking pictures of your baby lying on its back try shooting directly above them. It is possible that you can distort the way your baby looks, by shooting up at them or down on them.

Step 3: Get in close.

Baby's have many different expressions. They often change there moods very quick, so getting the picture of them yawning or pouting can make a really cute picture. Zoom in to get close up on your baby's face, after all they don't stay little for long. Try tipping your camera to a 45 degree angle to add some character to your pictures.

Step 4: Keep your background simple.

When you have a cluttered background it can distract from what you are really trying to focus on. If you are indoors and there is laundry or toys on the floor, move them before taking the picture. Outdoor photos are often beautiful without much assistance, but if there is something that just looks out of place, move it if possible, or change locations.

Step 5: Natural lighting is always best.

For indoor pictures, take pictures near a bright window. Let in as much natural light as possible. For outdoor photos direct sun is the harshest of light sources, and can cause unsightly shadows or make your child squint. Move into the shade, it causes less shadows, and a more even light. Don't forget the flash for indoor and outdoor shots.

Step 6: Capture your child in action.

Some of my favorite pictures were when my little one was being mischievous. She was playing with the garden hose for the first time. The expression on her face as the water soaked her was unforgettable. Those surprised looks are priceless. Capture the many "firsts" of your child's life, such as first steps, first solid foods, first time riding a bicycle, etc.

Step 7: Use a quality photo lab and back up your pictures.

Print quality can make all the difference in the way your photos look. Don't forget after you download those digital pictures to make a back up disk as well. You would be really upset if you lost all of your child's photos. Capturing the moment is just part of photography, preserving it is just as important.

Don't forget:

Practice makes perfect. Take as many pictures as your heart desires, you never know which one will be your favorite. I often take three or four of the same pose to make sure I capture the moment. Have fun experimenting with your camera, and print lots of great pictures. Remember, practice makes perfect!

About Jamie:

Jamie Derfler wrote and photographed all photos in this article. She is the owner and operator of ClearShot Photography. For more information, please visit

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